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All Day Athlete - Chris Heinz

Why do you choose to run?

Running gives me the ability to not only push myself but to have a daily outlet for fitness and personal development. 


What about this community resonates with you?

Seeing people push beyond their perceived limits resonates immensely with me!  We are all capable of so much.  But too few realize their full potential.  I strive to be like those that have put it all on the line.


Being a part of All Day Running Co. doesn’t mean that you must run 24/7 -- it’s the mindset that when you commit to something, you’re all in.  What is an example in your life outside of running that you exemplify the All Day attitude?

I being The All Day mentality has carried over into every part of my life.  From a professional standpoint, and a personal standpoint. I lead a team of professional recruiters that help companies find the best talent to fill their critical needs.  We go all in on every search because it is important for the companies to have the best people to fulfill their goals and serve their customers.

Ironically, both from a non-running and running standpoint, I believe in the all in mentality as well.  The best example of this is I will be literally running for 24 hours on a solo journey that will push me to my limits. But, I am not doing it for myself…I am doing it to raise money and awareness for three charities that I am passionate about: Dementia Care, Shriners Hospital for Children, and the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation.  Those affected by dementia, the kids affected by so many ailments and those diagnosed with Crohn’s or Colitis have to deal with their ailments 24/7.  The least I can do is try to run for 24 hours with the goal to raise $24,000 for those causes!  I’d call that all in!


What was it like to train for/participate in races/events?

I love training (yes I said those words) and do it every day.  Literally every day.  I have run every day for the past two years.  It is part of who I am.  But, I really love racing.  They give me the opportunity to push my speed limits and go all out for a particular distance.  I love all distances, from the 5k to the marathon to triathlons.  My competitive spirit comes out best when I am going back and forth with other participants and then we get near the finish because I always sprint to the finish.  But if I am running past someone, I encourage them to race me to the finish.  We all win this way!


What does being an All Day Athlete mean to you?

An All Day athlete gives their all in everything they do.  They also focus on more than themselves.  They work to lift every person they encounter up rather than knocking them down. An All Day athlete also works to push themselves to the limits of their abilities and THEN they push just a bit further.  They work their mind so they are capable of pushing beyond what their body thinks it can do.


If you were to pass any guidance onto the next runner, what would it be?

Enjoy every moment of running. It is a privilege to have both the ability and the desire to do it.  Run for those who can’t.  Some moments will be hard.  You will have challenges that you won’t think you can overcome.  Push through and the rewards, mentally and physically, are endless.


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